With the Multitrac adjustable wheels, Gruva offers multi-useable wheels which are resistant to the higher speeds and higher weights of tractors and machines, which are market the last few years. Thanks to the larger amount of connections between the disc and the rims, a more equal power distribution is offered.

Multifunctional adjustments
Gruva developed the Multitrac adjustable wheels, since the increasing demand to be able to drive with speeds up to 60 km per hour with adjustable wheels. Agricultural machinery and earth moving vehicles keep increasing in top speed. This increases the demand for “Fast Trac Adjustables”. By developing the Multitrac system, Gruva answers this question. To cope with the higher pressure on the wheels, the pressure is no longer devided on four points in the wheels, but on six to eight connectors.
Gruva’s Multitrac adjustable wheels offers the user multifunctional adjustment options. The interchangable components of the Multitrac adjustable wheels are exchangeable and they make it easy to switch between different track widths. But what about switching them between vehicles of different brands?
Our Multitrac wheels are custom made to the preferred track width, the axle, PCD-measurements and the user purpose of the vehicle. The strength of Gruva is the ability to produce large offsets and deep depths without any concessions on quality, strength or durability.
The Multitrac wheels can be made with or without interchangeable center disc, and these discs can be made flat or profiled. Our special Centerlinks make the Multitrac wheel even more versatile, since they are exchangable for the outside PCD, as well as the interchangeable center disc. On top of that, the Centerlinks are available in thicknesses of 10 millimeter and 15 millimeter and they are even stackable, which will make it easy to setup another track width. The Centerlinks guarantee a perfect centering of the outside PCD as well as the interchangeable center disc.
The Gruva Multitrac wheels can be made with outside PCD-connectors of 6x1, 6x2, 8x1 and 8x2, which will offer a better and more equal power distribution.